Proud Ambassador of the most
environmentally friendly
raw material
Global Timber is an active and committed member of the Danish Timber Federation, which prescribes its members to source wood on sustainable principles and to control the environmental responsibility of their suppliers. That is why we also are a proud ambassador at Denmark’s timber portal – træ.dk
We have a vested interest in taking care of nature, because it ensures the source of our wood remains intact.
As a modern, global company, we strive to be leaders in social responsibility, in humane ethics and sustainable conduct in all of our processes – in our native Denmark and around the world.
As ambassador for timber in Denmark, we support Træ.dk’s work to disseminate well-documented knowledge of the world’s most environmentally friendly raw material.
Træ.dk consists of six organizations from across the whole timber supply chain (forest owners, sawmills, timber industries, trade unions, wholesale and retail as well as the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish Nature Agency and the University of Copenhagen.) Træ.dk was founded in 1995 under the name Træ Er Miljø (Timber is the Environment)!
View Global Timber’s ambassador profile at træ.dk